================ Road ================ Roads are paths that connect :doc:`./Node` s. Instance variables ################## ================ ================== =================== Name Type Description ================ ================== =================== road_name String The name of the road road_type RoadType.Enum The type of the road. Affects event probabilties length decimal The length of the road ================ ================== =================== RoadType Modifiers ################## There are 6 RoadTypes, mountain_road, forest_road, tundra_road, city_road, highway, and interstate. RoadType enumerations can be accessed by RoadType.road_type. For example, RoadType.highway **Length** Some roads are longer than others. These roads will take longer to travel, so keep that in mind when choosing which road to go down! This is not determined by road type. **Potential Events** The potential events that can happen on a given RoadType are listed below. Once an event occurs, each road type has an order of which event is most likely to occur. For example, on the tundra road, an icy road is more likely to occur than a rock slide. Keep in mind, some events are more dangerous than others! It might be best to avoid those events as much as possible. More on events can be seen at :doc:`./Events` ============= ============== Road Events ============= ============== mountain_road rock_slide, animal_in_road, icy_road, police forest_road animal_in_road, police, rock_slide, icy_road tundra_road icy_road, police, rock_slide city_road bandits, police, traffic highway police, traffic interstate traffic, police ============= ==============